Final Piece


Upon review of the final piece, I feel like this project was a generalized success in terms of the portrayal of both sides of the story: a crucial aspect which we wanted to focus on in order to illustrate the anti authoritarian society. The editing techniques used enabled a distinct comparison of two different classes despite being filmed at exactly the same time, in the same room along with the speech and additional shots from actual real life footage, gave an accurate portrayal of our project guidelines.

Although I feel this production was an accurate representation of both the story we wished to portray and our skill set in this area of film/editing, this production did withstand an array of issues, all of which were due to errors within the team which could have been easily avoided. During production there were issues with kit, for example it not being adequately reviewed before taking it on to set and therefore missing various assets crucial for filming along with issues regarding lacking memory cards, this was then followed by 2-3 hours of shoot work being wiped from the SD card. These are mistakes in which we, as a team will learn from, kit is now reviewed before leaving the office and crew will have their own SD cards on hand at every shoot. Although irritating, these issues have enabled us to comprehend how important a set shot listing, scheduling and cast job appointment is, having a detailed set of organisation documents meant that although one editing day was consumed by re-filming, we had enough time to finish editing within deadline boundaries and additional time to spare.