
Inspired by the quote “My sun sets to rise again” – Robert Browning. The Golden Hour is a puzzle game, created using Unreal Engine 4 which is set on a mythical island.

To elaborate, an Explorer has set out in search of a mythical island that is constantly trapped in a state of sunset due to a ancient artefact  the explorer has to search around  island for clues about the machine that has frozen time and is keeping them on the island. Puzzles and illustrations left by ancient civilisations have to be solved or understood in order to gain access to the machine. Once the explorer has access they have to solve a puzzle to destroy the artefact which releases the island from being locked in time and therefore completes the game.

The island consists of six areas, each formed by travellers from different historical eras. These areas consisting of Medieval, Mayan, Asian, Greek, Egypt and Middle Eastern, each has a main building in which the puzzle will be located.

During this project, I will be taking on the role of a generalist, this meaning I will be creating assets from various degrees of creation for example research, concept art, modelling, texturing and aiding in the implementing and designing of the area itself.  Each member of the team was given an area to create. I was was tasked with the role of designing and modelling the Japanese style area – this required the use of software such as Maya, Mudbox and Photoshop to create assets and then later Unreal Engine 4 to implement the models.