Project Introduction

Over a three week period, working alongside a small team: a short film clip in the style of a  news report. Working within the constraints of the scenario which follows, teams must create broadcast style using a combination of live footage and computer generated imagery. During this process, an array of techniques learned in the last year will be applied in order to refresh knowledge and enhance current abilities. The project will be broken down into a three week schedule, detailing the methods and processes within pre production, production and post production.


“The year is now 2037 and the playing of computer games has been deemed dangers to the mental health of the nations children by the authoritarian government. In the six years since the law was passed in 2031, gaming has gone underground, gaming gangs have taken over the making and supplying of gaming software  and hardware. The police under the guidance of the Child Restoration Authority have raided a number of illegal game making labs, destroying hardware and detaining those involved in illegal gaming. Being caught in possession of any device that can be used for playing games will result in being taken to a place of correction for a six month rehabilitation program. If under 18, they will be transported to one of twelve national childhood restoration centre. If over 18 offenders will be sent for treatment in a secure mental health restoration unit Recently there have been a number of gamer riots led by hardcore underground gamer.”