Operations Associated with Subdividing

Subdivision Levels: Subdividing the mesh is a process that will smooth a mesh by adding more polygons and vertices while maintaining its given form, each polygon is defined into a further quads which follow the contour of the mesh. While using subdivisions or any modelling it is crucial to avoid triangles and poles, as they cause issues with smoothing artefacts. This is an aspect commonly used in the high/low poly work flow, by adding subdividing the model, it enables higher frequency detail which can then be baked on using a bump map.

Edge loops/rings: Edge loops are useful when additional detailing is required across a large area of a polygonal mesh, by inserting edge loops – the polygon faces are being divide and thus enables new areas of model-able mesh.

Edge Flow: When working with edge loops, an important tool is the use of the edge flow. This takes an edge that has either been inserted or created and match it to the curvature of a model, providing a more fluid and realistic style mesh.

Mesh Density/Support Edges: