
In order to capture the full extent of the situation, our film will exhibit both sides of the heavily dictated civilisation, consisting of a tense, formal and almost forced BBC style presentation of propaganda against the so called radicalists whilst illustrating the background behind the main story itself.

Within this time, a series of clips presenting the remnants of the previous riots with the voice over of the presenter elaborating further on the story will enlarge to full screen. This is will consist of a variety of original footage from actual rioting will take place along with additional live footage in which a gentleman is being accused of rioting having been caught on security camera fleeing a scene. Whilst the broadcast continues, a static interruption will take place will take place, once stopped the darkened underground guerrilla style broadcast of the rebel leader begins. Sitting forefront to the evidently lower quality camera, the masked renegades will being a vigorous and influential speech, informing the viewers of their cause and instigating more riots. This shot will be be situated in a underground basement along with pro rebellion posters and graffiti around the walls or general area, followed by an emergency broadcasting scene will be shown and an abrupt ending.