
This project, it enables the enhancement of  current skills as well as the of learning new ones, whilst simultaneously defining the potential work areas that may be targeted in the future. Therefore in response to this brief , the below PowerPoint was created  (further details in regards to the PowerPoint are below.)

Revival Synoptic Project Powerpoint

Slide 1 – The daily disappearance of the Sun below the Earths horizon is one of the most incredible natural spectacles witnessed on a daily basis, with the sun set bringing the future of a new beginning.  A similar ideology to that of reincarnation, the philosophical concept that an aspect of a living being, starting a new life in a different physical body or form after each biological death.

Slide 2 – This is an ideology that I believe, symbolises the quote using a unique and creative approach. To illustrate this, I intend on creating a thought provoking two dimensional animation of the death of an animal and rebirth of a foetus.

Slide 3- To elaborate, the animation will portray an animal, aging and growing as it walks through a darkened background: reaching a point to where it stumbling onto the floor, passing away. The animation will then focus on the animal’s skull, providing a close up of the disintegration of its skull; turning from a full, perfect skull, through a cracked skull to an array of particles which will then form a universe.  The particles will then flow into combining to create the embryo within a womb, through the growth into a foetus and finally to a lenses flare signifying birth.

Slide 4 – Visually, the animation will be created in a similar style to vintage comics and leaning more towards a degree of realism, taking inspiration from television series such as Archer, Batman: The Animated Series, Justice League Unlimited and G.I Joe. Thus providing a cartoonish but still realistic depiction of the reincarnation process.

Slide 5 – (Moodboard to illustrate the design style)

Slide 6 – The unique selling point for this project is the style combined with the genre of animation along with some of the effects used.  The use of a particle animation between the transitions from skeleton to new embryo will introduce a new dynamic to the two dimensional flat design style

Slide 7 – (Gif illustrating the effect)

Slide 8 – In terms of SWOT analysis, the unique animation style and use of effects provides an innovative depiction of the inspiring quote whilst accurately illustrating the ideology of reincarnation. Evidently the main weakness and threat of this project is the rate in which we will need to learn the skills to partake, having not studied two dimensional animation and the processes which it involves. However I think this project will open the opportunity to learn a new skill whilst creating something unique and captivating at the same time.

Slide 9 – Time management will be a prominent threat within this project due to the nature of it along with the additional skills needed to learn before the main bulk of production must take place. Ideally to combat this issue and potential delays raised, the project will be completed using an agile approach, meaning creation will take place in various small stages, beginning in a sketch style animation and increasing in depth as the project progresses.

Slide 10 – To summarise, this project will be a two dimensional animation illustrating the death of an animal and depicting the rebirth of a foetus the Buddhist ideology of reincarnation. Despite its potential issues, this project raises the opportunity for the team involved to learn new skills whilst creating a captivating piece.

– NOTE: this presentation was progressed further into the second judging of presentations however due to personal issues, I was unable to attend and therefore lost the opportunity to produce my animation. Despite this however, this is a project I intend on creating at a later date. –