
A storyboard is defined as a series of panels in which lay out a sequence of key sketches and brief explanations which depict the significant changes of action, movement and basic set design in a variety of planned moving media for example, storyboards are frequently used within film, advertising and video game pre-production. Thus forming the establishing design of visual links between narrative and illustration. 


Story boarding enables the illustration of a key scenes alongside an understanding of the various assets which will be placed or required within the scene. Although important the main sketch is not the most crucial asset within the storyboard, the storyboard is used to illustrate a creative idea – therefore assets such as lighting (illustrated by colour/shading), props, movement(illustrated by arrows), camera angle and character placement will be present. By doing this, it not only illustrates the creative directors ideas but also generates a graphic shot list of what should be filmed/edited together at any given time.